First Festival of T-games for teenagers Ikigai.Kids in Nalchik, 07/16/2023

In the first line of T-games, I Oksana Ostapova (Rostov-on-Don) together with Zalina Tatrova (Vladikavkaz) and Yulia Ovdienko (Nalchik) conducted the transformation game “Field of Changes”. There were 16 people at our table (age 14+). The game “Field of Changes” is a simplified version of the game “Lila Chakra” for children and teenagers.

It was Wow! Interesting, powerful, useful, large-scale, exciting!

There were 16 people at our table (age 14+) who, at the end of the process, said they liked it!
And they noted that it was unusual and surprising, because it seemed like it was just a game,
but it resembles “a trip to a psychologist”, where you can find answers to an exciting question.

At this point, I would like to note that the depth of the dialogue with each participant depends on the professionalism of the Master-Leader.
We had more than enough of this resource!
And of course, an important ingredient of the process is the desire of the participant himself to immerse himself in this process.

The game “Field of Changes” is an adult T-game adapted for teenagers #lilachakra
This is an excellent tool for diagnosing the psycho-emotional state of a teenager.
Searching for Resources and integrating them into your field of life.


At the table, the magic of the group also did its job. Those who are in the know understand)) And those who are not yet, urgently come and try it yourself.
Invite your young prodigies to our next Ikigai Festivals for teenagers.

At the table we ended up with three groups, within a group. It was very interesting to watch this.

It was not easy for me to remember various beautiful, and unusual for me to pronounce, names… but!
Improvisation…. and we all quickly got to know each other!

Thank you to all participants for choosing our table! For openness in the process, for interest and personal stories!

I thank myself for my willingness to go into new experiences!

I thank Zalina and Yulia for the joint process! I thank the “Ikigai Festival. Kids” for the invitation.

I thank the Author Evgeniy Kitanin for creating such a cool tool for working with children and teenagers.

By the way, the game #fieldofchange is now available in both Vladikavkaz and Nalchik 🎲

Parents, we invite your teenagers to full-format sessions in group and individual formats.

Certifying master of the games “Lila Chakra”, “Code of Kryon”
Oksana Ostapova tel. +7-928-144-44-77