On May 23, 2021, there was a festival of transformation games “Wheel of Fortune” in Ufa.
I was once again convinced that the game “Lila Chakra” has no equal! Two lines passed in one breath…
Despite the fact that it was a demo version and 2 hours for 8 people is not enough, everyone received awareness! Moreover, this is awareness at the level of the root cause of what is happening, which is very valuable! There were tears, there was joy and definitely there was transformation…
Every time I am amazed at the depth of this game!
I thank the Universe for the fact that I can be involved in bringing this miracle of transformation to people. I thank Evgeniy Kitanin for creating this powerful healing tool!
Certifying master of the game “Lila Chakra” Stepanchenko Elena (t.: +79631441998) Ufa https://www.instagram.com/elenastepanchenko77/